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Tannery Creek’s Valued Partners

Every customer has unique issues inherent to their installation. Unique problems require strong integration with partners that specialize in different areas of the parking spectrum. While Tannery Creek may have vast experience in license plate readers and enforcement systems, others may have equally strong skills in pay machines or ticket management systems. Tannery Creek prides itself on its flexibility and adaptability to fit to your needs. Below is just a sampling of who we have worked with to craft custom solutions:


T2 Systems Hotspot Parking Passport Parking
Honk Mobile IPS Group ParkMobile
Global Parking Solutions Cale/Flowbird Precise Parklink
ParkPlus Mackay Meters


autoChalk Mobile and autoChalk Compact are tightly knitted with autoChalk Handheld so that citations are pushed in real-time to your handheld to complete curbside. While this is the most optimal solution, we understand that many clients already have a handheld of choice and we are happy to work with any of these trusted partners:

Hotspot Parking Gtechna Turbo Data
T2 Systems

Citation Management

Tannery Creek offers a light weight citation management solution in autoChalk Office. Here you can review citations, print mailout citations, set parking violations, policies and more. However, many customers already have a trusted citation management platform and we respect that! Below is just a sampling of the citation management systems we have worked with:

Gtechna Hotspot Parking Ticket Tracer
T2 Systems AIMS Turbo Data

Permits & Hotlists

autoChalk Office does offer a great, lightweight solution to managing permits and hotlists from your back office. Some other fully featured permitting and hotlist solutions we have worked with:

Gtechna Hotspot Parking Ticket Tracer
T2 Systems AIMS Turbo Data
Honk Mobile